39°23'03.3"N 81°12'56.4"W
39.384250, -81.215667
St. Mary's Waterfall (some call it Coopers Hollow) just south of the bridge over the Ohio River at St Mary's and right along Rt 2 south. Just passed the store on your right after you turn right coming off the bridge, you'll find a pull off on your left. There is a trail of sorts going up into this small hollow, but there is so much debris in here, it might not be completely obvious. It can be tricky in spots, and you need to go almost all the way up into it to get a picture of the falls. This is a cool location, but honestly, you need to wait for some rain if you want any kind of a decent photo with water flow, and you will have to get right up on it or else you will be photographing logs and downed trees for the most part. This is aparently a storm wash as there is no real obvious creek or water supply but it's kind of pretty anyway.
Image by Kevin Grose.