38°46'20.5"N 79°46'39.5"W

38.772348, -79.777643

High Falls of the Cheat River is located at 38.772348, -79.777643. High Falls Trailhead, is located just 4 miles south of Glady, on Forest Road 44 at 38.749306, -79.753436. Begin on trail, cross the foot bridge, and ascend Shavers Mountain. You will walk through a large open field with the West Fork Rail Trail running through it. Follow trail through the woods while ascending Shavers Mt. on a switchback trail. The climb is not bad, and the trail is in good shape and well marked. At the bottom, come to the Cheat River, go north along the tracks and follow down stream to the falls. You can also ride to the falls on the Cheat Mountain Salamander passenger train. 877.MTN.RAIL (686.7245) Make sure to call first if you choose this.

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West Virginia Waterfalls
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for prizes. (MORE INFO)




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