38°08'43.8"N 81°12'48.0"W

38.145497, -81.213334

Kanawha Falls

At the town of Glen Ferris is Kanawha Falls. This river wide falls is nice. It is not very easy to take in the entirety of the falls because of the way it is broken up and also from lack of access. There is a river access just downstream where you can see pretty much of it, but there are lots of trees and shore growth. It is also extremely wide at this point. It's pretty much panorama country.GlenFerrisInn

Glen Ferris is also home to the Glen Ferris Inn, (9032 Midland Trail, Kanawha Falls, WV 25115 ) which I have used as a base for visiting in this area. The trout dinner is excellent and so are the homemade backed goods, including the yeast dinner rolls. Established in 1839, the inn has been in constant operation since and has been renovated and updated to modern specs and offers great hospitality. It ain't the Ritz, but it's not a dump by a long shot and sits right on Kanawha Falls. (pronounced: ka naw)

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